LEGGO - Leguminous Plants of the Great West

Completion date:

Started in January 2020

Project leader(s):

4 Chambers of Agriculture: Bretagne, Normandie, Pays de la Loire and Centre Val de Loire


To date, more than fifty actors from upstream to downstream are members of the association and about twenty organisations make up its Scientific and Technical Committee.

Project description:

LEGGO is a pre-competitive ecosystem, initiated by the Chambers of Agriculture of the Grand Ouest.

LEGGO is the first structured territorial collective in France with a legal status (association under the French law of 1901) for the implementation and development of seed legume chains for human consumption.

The association brings together 5 representative colleges of members: producers, collecting and storage organisations, processors, distributors and finally catering operators. Small and large players, local or national, who value these plant proteins are thus brought together.

Concept :

  • Organise collectively in the Grand Ouest to relocate the market for plant proteins for human consumption
  • Create value
  • To equip the players in the sector
  • Build a multi-skilled network


LEGGO’s ambition is to support the emergence of perennial seed legume chains produced in the Grand Ouest to meet market expectations while securing farmers’ income.

Expected results (economic, environmental, social):

To develop the surface area of leguminous crops in the Grand Ouest

Improve the income of farmers involved in these sectors

Develop new products in line with consumer expectations

Contribute to the development of business flows between actors

Project recognition (award, winner, etc):

LEGGO is a laureate of the France Relance scheme.

Project perspectives:

3 strong issues are identified

  • The production potential of legumes in the Grand Ouest
  • Contractualisation within the sector
  • The approach to legumes within local authorities

We therefore need to refine our knowledge of the markets and their needs, coordinate the network, put the players in touch with each other and provide them with the tools they need to develop the sector, and finally, support the marketing process.


Phase 2020-2021: The 4 regions of Normandy, Brittany, Pays de Loire and Centre Val de Loire

Phase 2022-2023: Ongoing, including the State’s Recovery Plan